Tribulus Terrestris Energy Capsule

Tribulus terrestris is a fruit-producing Mediterranean plant that's covered with spines. It is also called puncture vine. People use the fruit, leaf, or root of the tribulus plant as medicine. Some formulations also include other ingredients. Over the years, people have taken tribulus in an attempt to enhance athletic performance, body building, and for a wide range of health issues that may include heart and circulatory conditions and sexual issues. Tribulus terrestris L. (TT) (puncturevine) is a common weed that grows in many countries worldwide and in some places is considered as a noxious weed. The plant has been used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicines and is now considered as one of the most popular aphrodisiacs. It is known for its healing properties for sexual difficulties, impotence, and human and animal hormonal imbalance. It is also used as a sexual booster. Because of the plant’s active substances that can be used for curing sexual and other disorders, inte...