Roncuvita Biotin for hair growth
Also known as vitamin H, biotin is one of the B complex vitamins that help the body convert food into energy.
The word “biotin” comes from the ancient Greek word “biotos,” which means “life” or “sustenance.” B vitamins, and specifically biotin, help keep your skin, hair, eyes, liver, and nervous system healthy. Biotin is also a crucial nutrient Trusted Source during pregnancy, as it’s important for embryonic growth.
Most people get the biotin they need from eating a healthy diet, but there have been many claims that getting more biotin can regulate your blood sugar, promote healthy hair, skin, and nails, and help pregnant moms have healthier babies. How much biotin is enough, where can you get it, and what can it really do for you?
Biotin is an essential vitamin—meaning that your body needs this micronutrient to function properly. The biotin you consume in foods helps your body to turn the food you eat (protein, carbohydrates, and fat) into energy.
Taking a Biotin tablets or Biotin capsule as a supplement is likely effective for treating biotin deficiency. But many health products boost other health claims related to biotin supplement consumption and many of these health benefits have not been supported by scientific evidence.

So does taking a biotin supplement makes your hair grow faster or fuller? There isn't enough evidence to rate biotin's effectiveness in the treatment of hair loss,1 according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Manufacturers claim that shampoo, conditioner, and hair oils, masks, or creams containing biotin can thicken hair, increase fullness, and add shine. Despite these claims, there are no scientific studies to show that biotin shampoo or any other hair product can make your hair grow faster or thicker.
Other possible benefits of biotin include the treatment of:
- Brittle finger or toenails
- Diabetes
- Diabetic nerve pain
- Muscular sclerosis
- Diabetic nerve pain
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